The Fine Art of Feeding and Attracting Wild Deer

by Theodore J. Janke

Here is an easy-to-use guide to attracting and viewing one of nature’s most beautiful and wonderful creatures, the wild deer. Whether you live in the suburbs of New York, or in the far reaches of Montana, anyone can become an expert at feeding and befriending deer. They will provide you and your family and friends with hours of fascination and enjoyment.

As a very young child, I remember watching deer graze in our yard, eating savory acorns underneath the large oak tree next to our house. I recall one time when a huge buck with a massive rack came into the yard. He stood head and shoulders above all the other deer, with shiny golden horns. The whole family crowded into the window and marveled as he grazed on acorns, then started licking a large mineral salt block Dad had placed out for the deer. It was probably at that moment I became enthralled with feeding deer.

As with feeding any wild animal, there is a little trick to feeding deer. An example of this is feeding wild birds. You may have noticed some people have hundreds of birds, while others just have a few. It’s much the same with deer.

Let’s start with food. There is an old saying, “The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.” It’s no different with deer. Deer are herbivores, like horses and cattle, but deer are not restricted to a particular area. They are free-range and will go where the food is best. Deer love quality hay, alfalfa, clover, corn, soybeans, and other cereal grains. You may wish to plant food plots. If so, your local farm store representative can be very helpful. They can advise you on when, where, and what to plant for deer and wildlife in your area. In many cases, the Agricultural Extension Service will pay you to plant wildlife food plots. What deer really love are “candy crops”, like apples, pears, sweet corn, and white oak acorns. If you have these or any combination of them, you will have deer. Unfortunately, these crops aren’t available all year round. And that’s why we developed Mighty Deer Lick. 

What you need to do is to establish a supplemental feeding program. (THE BIG SECRET TO A GOOD FEEDING PROGRAM IS “QUALITY” AND “CONSISTENCY”!) A good start is some Mighty Deer Licks placed out in your favorite area.

Then spread out about 2 gallons of good quality whole kernel over a 2-foot by 2-foot area to prevent fighting. You may wish to use wheat, barley, or rye in far northern climates. Deer will not readily eat something they aren’t accustomed to either. Be sure the grain is clean, not dusty or dirty, and inspect the grain for mold. Never feed deer anything moldy. If you give them good quality grain, they will love it and love you too! You will be amazed at the abundance of wildlife which will attract birds, rabbits, squirrels, etc… These beautiful creatures will let the deer know that dinner is on the table, and everything is delicious. And they will add to your overall enjoyment.

The amount of feed you put out will usually determine how many deer will come in. If you wish to feed about 20 deer in your area or backyard, set out a 5-gallon bucket of corn or grain every day. Spread it in a 20-foot radius around the Mighty Deer Licks. Try to feed the deer at the same time every day and have a feeder with a timer so the deer will be fed while you are away. If you consistently feed at a particular time every day, the deer will become accustomed to this and come in at that time. We do this at about 4:00 PM because we enjoy watching deer while we are eating dinner. Then a little later we like to toss apples, pears, and carrots to them, “Note”: always be sure to wash and rinse fruit and vegetables thoroughly. Deer will not eat contaminated food! You will be amazed at how tame and friendly the deer will become once they get to know and trust you. However, bucks must be avoided during the months of October through December. This is the breeding period, and bucks can become aggressive. At other times of the year, they will be shyer and more cautious.

Another must when feeding deer is water. Even if there is water in the vicinity, deer like a fresh drink of water while eating. You can use anything from an automatic waterer to a simple 5-gallon bucket in a hole in the ground. But you will be surprised how much they will drink. So, prepare to keep it filled.

Another feeding necessity is mineralized salt. There are 8 different grades of salt on the market. Deer need and crave mineral salt all year round. Unfortunately, there are a lot of gimmick products out there that will harm the deer more than they do good. Some products use the least expensive and lowest grades on the market. The better the quality the better the results.

Mighty Deer Licks are made with the highest quality grade of salt on the market, which is excellent for deer. They have been scientifically developed to be attractive to deer and nutritionally important for their health and superior antler growth. Mighty Deer Licks are formulated with the perfect one-to-one balance of calcium and phosphorus. Because deer consume more Mighty Deer Lick, they get more nutrition than they would get from other mineral supplements. Mighty Deer Licks increase digestive efficiency up to 30% while helping retain water and body fat that is so necessary to their survival in dry spells and throughout the winter. They are manufactured under the most stringent conditions in one of America’s highest-quality food-grade plants. They are untouched by human hands and ploy-wrapped to ensure freshness and guard against contamination by humans or other scents. 

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With over 50 years of experience, Mighty Deer Lick has proven to be the best! Always be sure you have an ample supply. Consumption is heaviest in the spring, summer, and fall, but deer need the benefits all year round.

Note: Salt will kill vegetation in areas where it is spread.

I suggest feeding your Mighty Deer Licks on stumps. If there isn’t a large stump where you wish to feed the deer, you can cut a wheel from a log or you can use untreated lumber. Your local farm store may have mineral feeders available. In most cases, it takes a while longer for deer to get accustomed to feeders and big bucks tend to shy away from them.

Something that all wildlife prefer is cover. The cover is trees and brushes that hide them from danger and protect them from the elements such as sun, wind, rain, ice, and snow. Almost any cover will do but what deer are really attracted to are conifer stands, the larger the better. The coniferous stands such as pines, cedar, hemlock, spruce, etc. work well because they are cooler in the summer and provide excellent thermal cover during the winter months.

Never feed deer close to busy roads or highways. The concentration of deer is dangerous to motorists and deer alike.

Another problem you must be aware of is “dogs”! Dogs are natural predators of deer. Loose-running dogs can have a detrimental effect on your feeding program. However, if you have a well-trained pet that isn’t a threat to the deer, they will even befriend a dog they know and trust.

Whether you feed just a few deer or wish to feed more, I can assure you that it’s one of the most enjoyable experiences you will ever have. You can find more information about feeding deer at:

Happy Deer Feeding and GOD BLESS YOU.

Sincerely, Theodore J. Janke


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